Attender webinar 3. November

Save time and lower student dropouts with Attender

Webinar Thursday the 3rd. of November from kl. 14.00-14.30 CET

Attender takes a new and modern approach to and old problem. How to mark attendance fast and how to prevent student dropout. We have developed Attender with schools and with Microsoft. The four main advantages of Attender are:

1: Mark attendance faster and save time

Attender is fast and easy to use. The interfaces are built to look like app you already know so it feels intuitive. This will save several minutes for each lesson you mark attendance.

2: Motivate students to show up with gamification

We use gamification to motive students to show up and reward their attendance.

3: Statistics with AI

The statistical inferface uses AI to spot trends and who you should take notice off. Our “Movers N´ Shakers“ overview automatically shows teacher behaviour absence patterns that you should be aware off. This could be a student that has low overall absence but skips all sports classes.

4: Attendance registration in Microsoft Teams

Attender is also made for Microsoft Teams and online classes. Attender can automatically mark attendance in online classes. This saves the teacher a lot of time. And you do not need to change between systems to mark attendance.

The webinar will last around 30 min and will be held in english.

Date: 3. November 2022
Place: Online – Teams
Time: 14.00 til 14.30 CET

Short Intro – Heine M. Jensen, Attender
Demo of Attender

Sign up here

We look forward to seeing you online.

For any questions:
