Meet Attender at Skoleleder Messen 2024

Meet Attender at “Skoleledernes Årsmøde” 2024 Denmark

Easier absence registration and less absenteeism with Attender

At the fair, we are launching a major new update of Attender absence registration with even more features aimed at private schools, continuation schools, independent schools, public schools, and similar institutions. Over the past 3 years, Attender has primarily helped secondary and higher education institutions in Denmark and abroad to make absence registration easy and to combat rising absenteeism. Now it is time to help other types of schools.

New in version 1.6

  • School leader interface
  • School secretary interface
  • Parent interface
  • Holiday/leave request
  • MitID login
  • And much more

Attender helps schools by making attendance registration fun and reducing absenteeism and dropout rates through gamification

The Danish-developed Attender is now used in 6 different countries to manage absenteeism. Absence registration is made easy and quick for teachers. There are live and intelligent statistics, making it clear who needs attention. We motivate students to reduce absenteeism by using gamification. Students can earn Attender Streaks, Attender Badges, Attender Coins, and Attender Rewards.

Attender includes interfaces for teachers, students, parents, counselors, caseworkers, school secretaries, and school leaders.

Regardless of the platform you are on, Attender is easily accessible via web browser, iOS, Android, and Microsoft Teams.

Remember, Attender is for all types of schools and can be easily customized to your needs.

If you would like a 1:1 meeting:

Contact Heine M. Jensen at +45 4240 7787 or to book a meeting or demo of Attender.

Date: 31/10-1/11 2024
Location: Odense Congress Center, Denmark
Stand number: 4200

Hope to see you at the School Leaders’ Annual Meeting in Odense